I teach a range of classes on topics related to globalization, political economy, social inequality and the study of organized business. You can see below the classes I currently teach or have recently taught. Syllabi are available on request.
Political Inquiry
Polsci 791
This course provides an introduction to the logic of inquiry and research design in political science. This course centers on philosophy of science issues appropriate for the graduate training of social scientists and introduces graduate students to the wide range of approaches used by political scientists to study the world. This is a graduate level course that emphasizes group-based learning in addition to the development of guided but ultimately independent investigation. The course aims to generate foundational knowledge on perspectives and debates within the philosophy of science. Students sharpen their critical thinking about how knowledge about politics is pursued and developed, and develop their analytical reasoning, research and presentational skills associated with graduate-level training. Students become familiar with the diversity of approaches to the study of politics in terms of research design in particular.