Kevin L Young
I am a Full Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, specializing in International Political Economy (IPE), with a focus on financial regulation, interest groups, and elite networks. I currently serve on the Editorial Board of Review of International Political Economy, on the Executive Council of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), and the Steering Committee of the Progressive Economics Forum (PEF).
With 58 of my finest colleagues in 17 countries, I work with others to build the World Elite Database. This is a cooperative data and analysis project led by researchers on elite populations across the world. We work together to develop a new standardized data regime to study and share data about elites. Our aim is to solve the problem of comparability and heterogeneity in the study of national power structures, and to foster a cooperative community of scholars interested in studying elite populations systematically. I actively serve on both the Methods and Steering Committees for this exciting new project.
Another project offers a look at the demographic and educational characteristics of the leaders of a large variety of international organizations. For a look at the International Organizations Leadership database and its features, see here: https://www.securityincontext.com/io-database
Latest publications:
Organization Studies, Building a Trust Machine: Fidelity Mechanisms in Organizations
Global Networks, Where did the Global Elite Go To School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, Tightness Shifts in the U.S. and China: Implications of Tightening or Loosening Norms during the Coronavirus Pandemic
British Journal of Social Psychology, The distinct associations of ingroup attachment and glorification with responses to the coronavirus pandemic
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, A double-edged sword: The conditional properties of elite network ties in the financial sector
Socio-Economic Review, Intellectual Rivalry in American Economics
Nature: Scientific Reports, Trust in Scientific Information Mediates Associations between Conservatism and Coronavirus Responses in the U.S., but Few Other Nations
Socio-Economic Review, Lobbying to the Rhythm of Wall Street?
RIPE, Progress, Science and Pluralism
Business and Politics, Network Effects in the Formation of Financial Industry Preferences
JEPP, Information Exchange Among Interest Groups using Text Reuse
RIPE, The Internationalization of European Financial Networks
Global Networks, How White is the Global Elite Honorable Mention, Political Ties Award for Best Paper on Political Networks, awarded by the Political Networks (‘PolNet’) section of the American Political Science Association (APSA)
Socio-Economic Review, The Financialization of Policy Preferences Winner of the 2021 Best Article Prize, by the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Selected as part of of the the “20 favorite articles’ of Socio-Economic Review, as part of the journal’s 20th Anniversary, January 2023 here